Terms and Conditions
• DATA: 24.08.2024 (version 1.0)
Main Menu "Terms and Conditions"
- About Funeralls.com
- Supplier code of conduct
- Terms, terms and conditions of use
- European legislative act on digital services
- Content and way of working
- Direct contact
- Internal (communications, relationships, opportunities, careers,...)
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- Affiliations
1. About Funeralls.com
Funeralls.com is the property of S.C. Circles Dom s.r.l., company founded in 2020 in Tecuci, Galati county. The purpose of the establishment is to provide an IT interaction between the end customer and the funeral service provider in order to purchase products and services from the mentioned range. If we talk in terms of mission, we can refer to our desire to offer an IT tool that is as easy to use as possible for those who are in a difficult but inevitable situation of losing a loved one.
S.C. Circles DOM s.r.l. through Funeralls.com is not and does not intend to become a commercial company providing funeral services. The intention clearly expressed in the purpose is to offer ease of use to the end user and the possibility for the funeral service provider to be visible at a level unattainable by their own capabilities, thus helping them to develop their business through promotion.
Funeralls.com will initially be available in two languages - Romanian and English - and the subsequent expansion will bring other language facilities. As registration on the site evolves, we will update both the number of languages used and the number of providers of registered funeral services.
2. Supplier Ethic code of conduct
General principles
The principles that govern the professional conduct of providers registered on the funeralls.com website
- a) the supremacy of the law, the principle according to which suppliers have the duty to respect the laws of the state where the funeral services are provided and the regulations specific to the funeral sector;
- b) the priority of the family's interest, a principle according to which the providers, in the exercise of their duties, have the duty to consider the interest of the deceased's family above their personal interest. Any reference to the "deceased's family" also concerns the person/persons who dispose of the funeral.
- c) ensuring equal treatment for all those in the difficult situation of losing a loved one, as well as for all deceased persons;
- d) professionalism, the principle according to which funeral service providers have the obligation to fulfill their duties with responsibility, competence, efficiency, correctness and conscientiousness;
- e) the quality of services, the principle according to which funeral service providers have a continuous concern in terms of increasing the quality of the services offered;
- f) moral integrity, the principle according to which providers are prohibited from requesting or accepting, directly or indirectly, for themselves or others, any advantage or benefit in consideration of service duties other than those provided for in the "Funeral Services Contract";
- g) freedom of thought and expression, the principle according to which suppliers registered on the funeralls.com website can freely express and substantiate their opinions, with respect for the legal order and good morals to signal when they are aware of non-compliant practices of other suppliers. The reporting of possible incompatibilities or inadvertences that would lead to site malfunctions will be done in compliance with the confidentiality principle of the contract between the company s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. and the service and product provider registered on the website;
- h) honesty and fairness, the principle according to which in the performance of the service attributions the suppliers must show good faith;
- i) openness and transparency towards bereaved families.
The suppliers in a contractual relationship on the funeralls.com website, in accordance with the provisions of the Contract, agree to comply with the following professional rules and professional ethics:
A. Reported to the family or relatives of the deceased
Relations with the family of the deceased start from the basic idea that, being in a difficult situation, the family should not be burdened with additional problems - therefore, regarding the organization of funeral services, as many of the problems as possible are taken over and solved by the provider of funeral services, the more the family will have the necessary state of mind to get over these difficult moments more easily.
- a) the funeral service provider will display on the website the full range of funeral services provided, including the prices charged clearly and concisely. Expressions of a general nature such as "we do everything" without specifying the price will be avoided and in any form confusions will be avoided in which at the end of the funeral services the cost will be different from the one originally established, possibly higher.
- b) the family will be notified through the CONTRACT between supplier and client directly and correctly about the services/products provided/sold in a sufficiently detailed manner;
- c) the price established in the Contract will be found unequivocally on the Fiscal Invoice issued at the end;
- d) it will be avoided as much as possible to put the family on the roads for the preparation of documents and if the presence of the family/relatives is mandatory, help with means of transport and/or consultation will be tried;
- e) for the performed embalming/thanatopraxy operations, they will be explained in advance to the family through the Contract, respectively what they consist of, what is the benefit of the performance, if it constitutes a legal obligation and respectively the actual cost;
- f) the funeral service provider will take into account the legally defined funeral services within the scope of competence of which we mention but not exhaustively: receiving the order for the funeral through the website funeralls.com, transporting the deceased person, preparing for the funeral, placing on the catafalque and organizing the last farewell ceremony, cremation, taking over the urn and handing over the urn, etc... The preparation of the deceased for the funeral also includes mortuary care that is addressed directly to the body of the deceased, such as washing and sanitizing, embalming and thanatopraxy.
- g) the funeral service provider will have absolute respect for the family's beliefs and requirements, trying to carry them out as fully as possible, of course respecting the legal framework. Of particular interest remains the family's relationship with the priest/church/religion or the civil burial, as well as the incineration (cremation), all established by the family and respected by the funeral service provider;
- h) in everything that the funeral service provider does, he must demonstrate special professionalism, showing respect for the family's pain.
- i) fully respecting the rights and wishes of the family against the due cost must be the motto of the activity in the funeral sector. They have the right to be correctly informed about the cost of the funeral service and to choose the provider of funeral services in an informed manner, respectively to choose between burial or cremation.
- j) the funeral service provider will fully and permanently ensure the confidentiality of the aspects related to the deceased, leaving the arrangements regarding the death announcement, the deposition of the deceased, etc... to the family, these aspects will be communicated only at the express request of the family. In the conditions where there are legal provisions related to the memory of the deceased person or the personal data of the deceased, they will be fully respected;
- k) the one who provides funeral services will always be aware of the legislation in force;
- l) in the case of international funeral transport (repatriation), the provider must be aware of the legal provisions of the state from which the deceased is being picked up or taken;
B. Reported to other providers present on the site
Regarding the relationship with other funeral service providers, the principles of a good collaboration consist of:
- a) the permanent connection ensured inside the site in both directions, both from the provider and from the site;
- b) highlighting in written form the aspects related to the smooth development of collaboration between companies;
- c) establishing a common database through the website regarding acts, documents, legal aspects, etc...
- d) according to the principle of confidentiality, funeralls.com will take into account any notification of non-compliant aspects reported by a provider and regarding another provider. In this sense, a notification note will be opened which will be resolved by bringing it to the attention of the person who reports after solving;
- e) under no circumstances a funeral service provider located on the site will not be able to write reviews or negative comments to another provider directly or through other media communication possibilities - social networks, etc.... The interest that must to govern the site is that of the family of the deceased and not to put in a situation of conflict between the registered providers;
C. Final provisions
The norms of ethics and professional conduct provided by this Code become mandatory for all providers in a contractual relationship with s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. and registered in the website funeralls.com after their appropriation by signing the Contract. Thus, each provider knows and undertakes to respect the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
Any issue related to the imposition and compliance with the rules of conduct, including initiatives regarding the completion and/or modification of the rules of ethics and conduct contained in this Code, will be sent to the s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. in writing through the Contact section. Inside the s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. there will be a Commission for ethical advice, specially designated that will analyze the situations in order to take the necessary decisions. The provider on the site who reports such a problem will be informed by the person responsible for ethical advice, regarding how to resolve his report.
Violation of the provisions of this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct attracts the liability of the suppliers on the site. In this sense, taking into account that only the end users (Clients) have the opportunity to offer comments and appreciations, the first visible sanction will be precisely the lowering of the company's rating, but without stopping here, in the end, in accordance with the signed Contract, the measures will follow the administrative path written in the Contract going up to the termination of the Contract as a final measure.
3. Terms, terms and conditions of use
3.A. Definitions
"Funeral service/services" means all the services defined by legislation in the area where the provider comes from. As examples we can offer, without being able to name them all: funeral transport, embalming (thanatopraxia), repatriation of the deceased, cremation, burial in specialized chapels, etc...
"Funeral product" is the designation of a salable product that is in the scope of products dedicated to the funeral service. As examples we can offer, without being able to name them all: coffin, urn, etc...
"Funeral product offered with the title of rental" is the nomination of a product that belongs to the funeral service provider and that is offered for rental and not sale for a concretely nominated period of time ("a day", "an hour", etc...") . As an example we can offer: refrigerator cover.
"Provider", "Supplier account" or "Supplier account on the funeralls.com website" means a computer-defined space on the funeralls.com website through which a funeral service provider makes available the products and services offered for sale or rent to the knowledge of the "Client".
"Customer", "Customer account" or "Customer account on the funeralls.com website" means a computer-defined space on the funeralls.com website through which a person accepts the current conditions either in order to purchase products and services or for a future purchase either for current notifications.
"Related supplier", "Related supplier account" or "Related supplier account on the funeralls.com website" means a computer-defined space on the funeralls.com website through which a provider of funeral-related services or a service producer and funeral products advertises the products and services offered for sale or rent as a paid advertisement.
"Funeral Service" means the provision of a funeral service or the sale of a funeral product by a Funeral Service Provider.
"Purchase" or "Order" means the purchase of a service or product through the funeralls.com website followed by payment for this service or product.
"funeralls.com", or "we" or "our" means s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. and respectively the owned website "funeralls.com" together with the registered brand(s).
"Purchase Confirmation", "Service Confirmation" means a confirmation e-mail accompanied by the Contract and any annexes with explanations regarding the "Purchase".
"Confirmation of the service" means a confirmation e-mail issued by funeralls.com to the customer by which the customer is specifically requested to confirm the performance of the service, but not exclusively. Other data that can be requested is a rating or a review for the provider on the website funeralls.com, and so on...
"Contract for the provision of funeral services and/or sale of products" or "Customer contract" means the contract between you and the Funeral Service Provider, whose object is the provision of services or the sale of products to you (customer).
"Credit" may mean a benefit with a monetary value.
"Independent Information Provider" means a firm or company that allows funeralls.com or s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. to receive information independent of the supplier regarding the correctness of the data provided by the supplier on the site.
"Currency conversion" or "Currency exchange rate" means the rate of monetary values used to convert various currencies used by the countries in which we will have registered providers.
"Affiliated Association" or "Group Company" means an affiliate of funeralls.com or s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. through direct or indirect participation or component part of funeralls.com or s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l.
"Intermediary contract" or "Supplier contract" or "Contract" means the contract between s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. and the Funeral Service Provider, contract that defines the way in which this Provider arranges its own company both in order to provide services/sell products to the final customer and the contractual rules between s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. as owner of the website funeralls.com and provider.
"Commission" or "Transaction commission" represents, according to the Supplier Contract, the amount paid by the supplier to funeralls.com as a result of the performance of a funeral service completed with the fiscal invoice.
"Subscription" represents the amount paid by the supplier according to the Contract in order to register and promote on the funeralls.com website.
"Pay in your currency" means the payment option sometimes used when a Service Provider does not use your currency. This option allows you to pay in your currency.
"Payment Method" means the method used to pay for a Service, which may be a credit/debit card or an alternative payment method.
"Platform" or "site" or "website" or "site" the application on which you can contract funeral services and products, in the case of funeralls.com.
"Reward" means a benefit that may be promised to you. In most cases, Rewards will consist of Cash Credit, Cashback on your credit card or a voucher for an item of a certain type.
"Terms" means these contractual terms."Terms" means defined intervals related to the geographical region where the funeral service will take place.
"Time" or "Pick-up time" or "Starting time of the funeral ceremony" represents the defined starting time in order to perform the funeral service.
"Third Party" means a firm/company that acts as an intermediary between you and the Funeral Service Provider.
"Third Party Terms" means both the Third Party Brokerage Agreement.
"Payment" means a payment you make when you contract for a product or service (and not when you actually use it).
"Prepayment" means a payment you make when you reserve a product or service (and not when you actually use it).
"Wallet" means a section of your Customer Account created by you that shows your Rewards, Credit and other incentives.
3.B. Products and services
3B1. Definitions
The terms have specific meanings, some are defined in section 3A.
"Coffin" is a device generally made of wood used for burial in the ground or in special constructions on the ground and/or columbariums.
The "urn" is a piece of equipment made of various materials, used to hold the ashes of the cremated person.
"Funeral" means the funeral service by which a deceased person is generally transported to a cemetery by means of special means of transport and generally laid in the ground, but not only that.
"Cremation" represents the funeral service by which a deceased person is transported to a crematorium by means of special means of transport and the resulting ashes are deposited in special urns.
"Embalming" or "thanatopraxy" is the technique used to preserve the human body after death, used to expose the deceased before burial in specially arranged spaces, with the coffin lid open.
"Funeral transport" is the transport carried out with special purpose vehicles that are built for this purpose. The transport can be carried out, as the case may be, from the location of the deceased to the location of the funeral service company, from the place of deposition to the cemetery or crematorium...
"Repatriation" is the term that defines the return of the body of the deceased to the country/location of origin or the country/location where he wishes to be buried/cremated.The term also includes all the documents that are drawn up on this occasion.
"Health authorization" is the term that defines, depending on the country, from a health point of view, the right of the funeral service provider to provide these services.
"Authorization" is the term that defines, depending on the country, the right of the funeral service provider to provide these services.
3B2. About these terms
When you contract or buy services and products from a funeral service provider you accept these Terms, terms and Conditions and any other terms provided to you during the contracting process. If any authority decides that some of these terms are illegal, the other terms will continue to apply.
The Romanian version of these Terms is the original version. If there is any dispute regarding the Terms or any inconsistency between the Romanian language version of the Terms and the version in another language, the Terms as they appear in the Romanian language will apply, unless local law requires otherwise.
3B3. About Funeralls.com
When you contract for services or products through Funeralls.com, it provides the site (platform) to you and is responsible for it, but it does not provide and is not responsible for the provision of services or the sale of funeral products itself. Circles Dom s.r.l. as a commercial company that owns funeralls.com, it’s not a funeral services company and does not sell funeral products.
If there are collaborations with other companies/companies that provide assistance of any type - customer support or anything else, these companies do not: control or manage the site (our platform), have their own Platform, have no legal or contractual relationship with you, do not provide funeral services or product sales, may represent us or enter into contracts or accept legal documents on our behalf, act as "communication agents" for us.
3B4. Our website (platform)
The information presented on our website belongs entirely to the funeral service providers (suppliers). Once posted on our website, the information becomes public and the suppliers through the Contract agreed and agreed with this. However, for the information from the Funeral Service Providers we cannot fully guarantee the accuracy of the information, but when we provide the information through our website, we exercise reasonable caution and act with professional diligence. The measures taken in relation to the suppliers are proactive, correcting and exact publication on their part, with successive returns on the publication.
Unless it is proven that we did not act accordingly as described above or were negligent, we cannot be held liable for any errors, interruptions, non-existent updates, untimely updates or missing information. Of course, we will do our best to correct/fix them as soon as we hear about them.The declared purpose is to facilitate the interaction between the client and the funeral service provider. For this reason, we do our best to constantly improve and facilitate the experience of our customers on funeralls.com. As such, although we aim to have an easy-to-use and extremely visually neutral interface, through tests, we sometimes present forms, formulations, products, etc. different people to see how they react. As a result, you may not encounter some services or terms when you access our website.
Our Site does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any Service Provider or its products, services, facilities, vehicles, etc.
We are not a party to the terms concluded between you and the Service Provider, as a result we are not responsible for the supplier's deficiencies, whatever they may be: failure to perform the service on time, late performance, performance in improper conditions, so on…
The service provider is solely responsible for the performance of services and the sale of products.
In order to make a purchase or order products or services through our website, you may need to create a Customer Account. Please ensure that all your information (including payment and contact details) is correct and up to date, otherwise you may find that you are unable to access your order.
You are therefore responsible for anything that happens to your Account, so do not let anyone else use it and keep your username and password secret.
We try to present the products, offers and services available to you in (what we believe to be) the right language for you according to the location defined by the open applications. You can change the language whenever you want.
There is no a priori age limitation by which you can contract products and services through our website. However, we keep in mind that the service must be paid, this means that you must be at least the age of majority in the respective country to have access to a payment card. In any other conditions - make the payment for someone else, etc... - funerals.com will not test the age for access to the site.
3B5. Our values
S.C. Circles Dom s.r.l. and funeralls.com appeared from the desire to be an interface between people facing a life trial and professionals in the funeral field. The story is based on 15 years of experience and implicitly on the experience gained in this field.
Funeralls.com offers intermediary services between funeral service providers and the client-end user. Therefore, it creates a link between the client and the provider through the website.
The service offered by funeralls.com is aimed at reducing traumatic stress for clients in a difficult situation, empowering funeral service providers towards digitization/computerization of the services and products offered.
The message sent to the target audience - the final customers - is the attempt to be with them in the difficult moments caused by the death of a family member translated by offering a product-program(site) that offers them products and services at honest and fair prices.
Funeralls.com offers security for companies justified by promotion mechanisms through which they become visible on the digital market. In addition, the certainty of being accessed by new customers, and through the promotion and correct presentation of products and services, the loyalty of these customers.
We address all clients equally, regardless of location, race, religion, ... considering equality as a basic value. We address any honest funeral service provider who understands and applies our Code of Professional Ethics.
Therefore, you have the obligation to:
- - not to use the site to create inconvenience or make false orders;
- - to respect our Values;
- - to comply with all applicable legislation;
- - to cooperate with any anti-fraud/money laundering checks that we have to carry out;
- - not to create inconvenience or damage and not to behave inappropriately towards the Service Provider's staff.
3B6. Prices
When you place an order through our app you agree to pay the full cost of the order including any applicable fees, charges and taxes. Some of the prices you see may have been rounded to the nearest whole number. The price you pay will be based on the original, "unrounded" price (although the actual difference will be small, anyway). Obvious errors and typos are not binding.
3B7. Payment of services and products
The contracted products and services are paid for when you receive the contract for the provision of services/sales of products from the chosen supplier to the personal e-mail address indicated during the order. The service provider can request either an advance payment or a payment total.
We handle your payment, we (or in some cases our affiliate) will be responsible for handling your payment and ensuring that your transaction is completed with our Service Provider. In this case, your payment constitutes final liquidation of the "due and payable" price.
If the Service Provider requires Prepayment, it may be debited or pre-authorized when you place the Order and may be non-refundable. So, before you Order, please refer to the Service Provider's advance payment policy (available during the ordering process), which we do not influence and are not responsible for. This provision does not affect the rights you have if you have any problems with placing the Order. If your payment method is in a currency different from the payment currency, your bank or payment method provider (or their payment service providers) may charge you additional fees. For example, this could happen if your credit card is in lei, but the Provider works in euros. If this happens, we will inform you during the booking process. If you know or suspect any fraudulent behavior or unauthorized use of your Payment Method, please contact your payment service provider as soon as possible.
If the currency selected on the Platform is not the same as the currency of the Service Provider, we try to display the prices in your currency and offer you the option to Pay in your currency.
3B8. Policies
When you place an order through funeralls.com, you agree to the applicable policies as displayed during the ordering process. Each provider has its own cancellation policy and we encourage service providers to keep these policies visible. You will find the cancellation policy and any other policies of each Service Provider (regarding security/damage deposits, requested extras, accepted cards, etc.) on our website: on the Service Provider information pages services, during the booking process, in the small print and in the confirmation email.
Although it is difficult to assume, if you cancel an order, any cancellation fee and any refund will depend on the Service Provider's cancellation policy. Some orders cannot be canceled for free, and others can only be canceled for free up to a limit.
If you place an order on the site by paying in advance, the Service Provider may cancel the order without notice if it is unable to collect the remaining balance by the specified date. In the event of cancellation by the Provider, any non-refundable payment you have made will be refunded only at the discretion of the Service/Product Provider. It is your responsibility to ensure that payment is completed on time (that your bank or debit or credit card details are correct and that there are sufficient funds in your account).
As soon as you are in possession of the Contract and after making the payment, you will be contacted by the Service Provider, together with whom you will establish all the details related to the performance of the service, other than those on the website.
3B9. Privacy, cookies and access
If you place an order on our website, see the Privacy and Cookies Page for additional information on privacy, cookies and how we may contact you and process personal data.
For any request regarding accessibility on the website or other services strictly related to the website, please contact Customer Service. For any request regarding the order, contact the Service Provider.
3B10. The Eternal Bonus
Given the specifics of the site and the services provided by the suppliers, it is not desirable to return after placing an order too soon. However, if you appreciated the service of the supplier and an unfortunate event occurred soon after the first one, it is desirable that as a consequence if you perform the service with the same supplier you will benefit from some advantages.
The Eternal Bonus represents a reduced rate offered by participating service providers for certain products/services. The Eternal bonus is intended for customers in order to create loyalty and is offered by funeralls.com.
There are no participation fees and to be part of the program and benefit from this bonus - you must create an account and have already placed an order through funeralls.com. Membership and rates are non-transferable. Membership is associated with a specific account given by email address, name, etc… . Membership may also be associated with specific campaigns or incentives.
The Eternal Bonus has a single level and can be used by a customer up to 4 (four) times with the only conditions being that he performs the service with the same supplier from whom he receives these discounts and the relative for whom he makes the order must be up to III degree.
To ensure that the program is fair and secure, we may investigate cases of fraud, misuse or abuse. This may result in cancellation of membership and loss of earned rewards.
3B11. Intellectual property rights
All rights to our website (technology, content, trademarks, appearance and functionality, etc.) are the property of s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l., and by using the funeralls.com website you agree that you will use it only according to its intended purpose and in compliance with the requirements set out below, in paragraphs 3B11-a and 3B11-b:
a)You are not permitted to monitor, copy, extract data, download, reproduce or otherwise use anything on our site for any commercial purpose without the written permission of s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. or its licensors.
b)We pay close attention to every visit to our site and will block any person (and any automated system) that we suspect:
- -do excessive searches
- -use any device or software to collect prices or other information
- -carries out any activity that we believe puts undue pressure on our site.
By uploading a comment, rating or image to our site you confirm that it meets the requirements of the Supplier and Customer Content Advisory Standards and that:
- - is real and truthful (for example, you have not modified it or uploaded an image from another funeral provider);
- - does not contain viruses;
- - you are its owner and you have permission to share it with us;
- -you own (or are permitted to use) any intellectual property rights it contains;
- -we have permission to use it on our funeralls.com and for any other commercial purposes (including marketing and advertising), on any media, globally, unless you ask us to stop using it-nu încalcă drepturile altor persoane la viață private;
- -you accept full responsibility for any legal action against funeralls.com in connection therewith.
To be clear - we are not responsable and liable for any image uploaded to funeralls.com, we are allowed to remove any image at our discretion (e.g. if we find an image does not meet the above criteria).
For customers who upload comments and evaluations (rating or review) - please use a language that does not contain licentious, vulgar words or words that incite hatred or are considered offensive. We reserve the right to remove words, parts of words, phrases or the entire content through specific programs if we consider that they violate the rules of civility (to be done - for the client) of our site.
Equally, we do not have the right to intervene on the evaluation (rating) made in the form of awarding a number of stars to the respective supplier, considering that this is in favor of the other clients who are our users.
3B12. Special cases. Resolutions.
Questions or complaints are resolved by the Customer Service team. You can do this by accessing our app or through our Help Center (where you'll also find some FAQs).
Elements to be taken into account in such situations:
- - have prepared the confirmation number of your order;
- - your contact details;
- - the email address you used when placing the order;
- - possibly a summary of the problem, including how you would like us to help you;
- - any supporting documents (bank statement, images, receipts, etc.)
All questions and complaints are recorded and the most urgent are treated with the highest priority.
What you are entitled to know either before reporting the problem to us or after:
- -If you reside in the European Economic Area and you are not satisfied with the way we handle your complaint, you may be able to file a complaint through the online dispute resolution platform (ODR/Online Dispute Resolution) provided by the European Commission (ec.europa.eu/odr).
- -You should know that the European Economic Area does not refer to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
- -For Romania there is the Consumer Protection Authority with the web address https://anpc.ro/contact/.
- -You also have the right to bring legal proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction – see the section "Applicable law and competent court" (see 3B16) for details.
3B13. Communication with the Service Provider
After placing the order, you can communicate with the Service Provider where you placed the order for any aspect. Communication can also be done through our website in the dedicated section. Communication with the supplier does not mean that we assume responsibility for the order or for what it does/does not do The service provider.
We cannot guarantee that the Service Provider will read what it receives from you or that it will do what you ask. The mere fact that you contact him or that he contacts you does not mean that you have a basis for legal action. If you need assistance, contact us through our Help Center.
3B14. Measures in case of non-compliance with the terms and conditions
The terms and conditions listed above are valid both for us, the funeralls.com website and s.c. Circles Dom s.r.l. as well as, equally, customers and suppliers. If these Terms are violated or the applicable laws or regulations are not respected, we have the right to:
- -will stop making any orders;
- -cancel any order already placed,
- - block for you the use of the platform, the service for customers and your account.
Canceling an order means (depending on the circumstances) that you are not entitled to a refund. We may tell you the reason for canceling your order, unless notifying you would contravene applicable law and/or prevent or obstruct the detection or preventing fraud or other illegal activities. If you believe we have incorrectly canceled your order please contact our Customer Service team.
3B15. Limitation of liability
Nothing in these Terms shall limit our (or the Service Provider's) liability:
- (a) in respect of gross negligence or willful misconduct;
- (b) in case of fraud or deceit in the agreements;
- (c) for our (or his) negligence resulting in death or personal injury;
- (d) if said liability cannot otherwise be legally limited or excluded.
Violation of these Terms and/or the terms of the Service Provider, does not attract our responsibility for the costs incurred by you as a result of this fact.
We are also not responsible for:
- - the declaration between the time of completion by payment of the order on our website and the time of the funeral service of a state of emergency, calamity, war, outbreak of a pandemic, etc...
- -any loss or damage that was not reasonably foreseeable when you placed the order or otherwise included in these Terms;
- -no event that was reasonably independent of our will.
We make no promises about the products and services of the Service Providers, other than what we expressly state in these Terms. To the extent permitted by law, we (or any Service Provider) will be liable for no more than reasonably foreseeable loss or damage in connection with Your Order (whether as a single event or a series of related events).
To be clear, these Terms are between you and us. Nothing in these Terms shall confer any rights on any third party other than the Service Provider.
You may be protected by mandatory consumer protection laws and regulations, which give you rights that cannot be waived by any company's terms. If there is any inconsistency between such laws and regulations and these Terms, those mandatory consumer protection laws and regulations shall prevail.
3B16. Applicable legislation and competent court
These Terms are governed by Romanian law. You may also invoke your national consumer protection laws if you are a consumer residing in a country in the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom or Switzerland (“Europe”). If you are a consumer living outside Europe, to the extent permitted by mandatory local legislation (regarding consumer protection), these Terms are governed by Romanian legislation.
If you are a consumer living in Europe (according to the definition above): you can initiate legal action against us only in the locality where the registered office of the s.c. company is located. Circles Dom s.r.l. namely the town of Tecuci in Galati County. We can initiate legal action against you in the courts of the country where you live.
If you are a consumer living outside of Europe, to the extent permitted by mandatory local legislation (regarding consumer protection), any dispute will be submitted exclusively to the court in Tecuci, Galati county.
3B17. Related Services
We are trying to bring to the site all the services related to the funeral act. Among them we mention without being able to name them all: catering, sale of funeral wreaths, execution of funeral monuments, restaurants, etc...
As we specified, these are not part of the spectrum of services defined as "funeral service" as long as a Supplier does not have them in its portfolio.
These Suppliers who sell related services and products will be present on our website in the form of paid advertising. We try as much as possible not to visually block the space with these ads in the form of add, banner, etc... but equally we try to in these advertising spaces, we offer you the most correct information about these services and related products.
So that we are clearly understood, if you access products or services by clicking on the respective advertisement and the respective products or services or the performance of the respective Conex Supplier will not correspond to your requirements, we will not be responsible for the performance or the respective products/services.
In case of problems, contact your Conex Service Provider. See Directive (EU) 2015/2302 as transposed into national law in the European Union or the United Kingdom.
3B18. Amendment clause
We will always display in writing the date of the last modification of these terms, but you must take into account that:
- -these Terms may change. If such changes are material, we will notify you before they become effective, unless the changes are required by applicable law.
- -if you do not accept the changes, do not use our Platform.
- -otherwise, your continued use of our Platform after the effective date of the proposed changes will constitute your acceptance of these revised Terms.
- - any existing Order will continue to be governed by the Terms that applied at the time the Order was placed.
- 4. Act European…
- 5. Content and way of working
- 5.1. Scope of this Section
- 5.2. The contractual relationship
- 5.3. What are we going to do
- 5.4. What you need to do
- 5.5. Price and payment
- 5.6. Changes, cancellations and refunds
- 5.7. What else do you need to know?
- 5.1. Scope of this Section
5.1. Scope of this Section
This section contains the special terms for the products and services related to the Order. This section applies together with the general section regarding the execution of an Order.
5.2. The contractual relationship
SC Circles Dom s.r.l. owns and operates the funeralls.com Platform.
- -When you place (or request) an Order, you place it directly with the Service Provider - we are not a "contractual party".
- -Our platform only presents Suppliers who have a contractual relationship with us.
- -Information about Service Providers (eg range of services offered, bonuses, facilities, sustainability measures) and Orders (eg prices, availability and cancellation policies) is based on what they provide to us.
5.3. What we do
We provide the Platform on which Service Providers can promote and sell their products and services where you can search, compare and buy them. We provide a personalized experience based on how you use our Platform (including what you communicate to us) so that you place your exact Order with us. Our platform will allow you to discover Suppliers from all over the world, and the search results we provide make it easy for you to find the right Supplier for your requirements.
After you have placed the Order, you will receive the Contract accompanied by the tax invoice. At this moment the Supplier is ready to trigger the operations specified in the Contract. Depending on the terms specified in your Order, you may be able to modify or cancel it, if you wish. It is recommended for you to carry out these operations mediated by our site funerals.com.
Contact us using the Help Center if you need assistance in any way.
5.4. What you need to do
Fill in all your contact details correctly so that we and/or the Service Provider can provide you with information about your Order and, if necessary, contact you.
Please read these Terms and the terms displayed during the ordering process carefully.
5.5. Price and payment
See "Pricing" (3B6) and "Payment" (3B7) sections above.
5.6. Changes, cancellations and refunds
See the "Policies" section (3B8) above.
5.7. What else do you need to know?
How we work
For information about ratings, rankings, how we make money (and more), see How We Work, which is also part of our Terms.We make it easy for you to compare products and services from Service Providers who have agreed to our Terms and Conditions. When you place an Order on our website (Platform), you enter into a Contract with the Service Provider (unless otherwise specified). The information on Our Platform is based on what Service Providers tell us. We do our best to always keep the information up to date, but realistically speaking, it may take a few hours to update, for example, the descriptive texts and especially the product pictures.
As we have already said, only Service Providers who have a contractual relationship with we will be displayed on our Platform. They can work, trade, and offer orders outside of our Platform. We are not a commercial company whose business is the sale of funeral products and services - each Service Provider is a separate company that has agreed to collaborate with us in -some way. Our platform shows you Funeral Service Providers from around the world, and our search results page shows you how many of them might be right for you, based on what you've told us.
How do we make money? We don't buy or (re)sell any products or services. After you have placed the order on our website, received the Contract and the Tax Invoice and paid, the Service Provider pays us a commission.
If a Provider has a badge with the text "Promoted" attached, this means that the Service Provider has paid for the badge to appear there.